محافظ الإسماعيلية يوجه بتكثيف أعمال النظافة ومتابعة النشاط اليومى للوحدات المحلية

محافظ الإسماعيلية يوجه بتكثيف أعمال النظافة ومتابعة النشاط اليومى للوحدات المحلية هذا هو موضوع مقالنا عبر موقعكم «المفيد نيوز»، حيث نجيبكم فيه على كافة الاسئلة، ونلقي الضوء على كل ما يهمكم في هذا الموضوع ..فتابعو السطور القادمة بمزيد من الاهتمام.
Major General Akram Muhammad Galal, Governor of Ismailia, directed the local units in the governorate to intensify public cleaning work and pay attention to all services provided to citizens in all parts of the governorate, to improve the environment and preserve the civilized aspect of Ismailia Governorate.
Akram also followed the daily activity of the local units in the governorate, with regard to the sectors of public hygiene, public lighting, development and beautification, responding to citizens’ complaints, and addressing building violations.
The local unit of the first district of Ismailia city carried out field follow-up throughout the neighborhood, collecting and removing garbage, waste, and spraying with a total load of 163 tons, from the areas of the new station, Al-Balajat Road, Al-Bahtini, Carrefour Corniche, Umm Kulthum Road, King Fahd Square, Housing and Development Square, Long live Egypt.
While the Parks Department in the Awal District, in cooperation with the Governorate’s Development and Beautification Authority, cut and trimmed trees in the old Ismailia Governorate General Office on Muhammad Ali Street, and prepared to plant the entire building’s garden, in addition to continuing the residential collection work in several areas of the neighborhood during the evening period.
The local unit for the second district of the city of Ismailia followed up on the service sectors within the district, removing garbage and waste, and emptying bins in the areas of Hospital Street, Al-Thalatheni Street, “Araysheya Misr.”
The Electricity Department also installed, maintained, and repaired 13 public lighting floodlights in areas in front of the Church of the Archangel Michael, Tanta and Schools Streets, a street branching from Al-Ghaba Street in the Arayshiyet Misr district and Al-Salam neighborhood.
During the evening period, a cleaning campaign was carried out and the removal of garbage and waste inside the Friday Market collection point, and around the intermediate stations on Al-Bahri Street, behind the Agriculture School, the end of Al-Bahri Street and Port Said Road, the end of Al-Thalatheni Street and Port Said Road, a vacant plot of land on Hussein Hegazy Street, behind the cemetery wall, residences. Replacement of Abdel Hakim Amer and Abdel Hakim Amer Street, in the areas of (Al-Shuhadaa, Al-Balbasa and Al-Obour).
In the sector of dealing with encroachments and building violations, the local unit of the Thani Ismailia district stopped the implementation of a concrete pour without a permit for the ceiling of the fifth floor of the upper floor on Salhiya Street in the Obour area (formerly Al-Hakar), and the construction equipment was seized, and the necessary legal measures were taken, in addition to stopping the implementation of construction without a permit. A license was obtained for the upper sixth floor on Street 204, off Reda Street in the Al Salam neighborhood. The building materials were seized and the necessary legal measures were taken.
In response to complaints from citizens in the second district of Ismailia, a lighting pole was maintained on Mariout Street in the Arayshiyya Misr area, and a defect was repaired in Al-Tabbakh Street, branching off from Al-Ghaba Street in the Al-Salam neighborhood, repair and maintenance work was carried out on the damaged floodlights, and the two lighting lines were completely reviewed.
In a third district in the city of Ismailia, the local unit completed a public cleaning campaign around the internal intellectual education area.
The cleaning crews in the third district also organized a cleaning campaign in the vicinity of Fahd Mosque, Hakim Hospital, and the vicinity of Umm Al-Qura Mosque and the streets branching from it.
In the center and city of Ismailia, the local unit of the village of Hijaz carried out general cleaning work and removed waste and garbage within the village and its outskirts with loads of about 30 tons.
And in the village of Al-Fardan in the areas of public roads, Ismailia-Port Said Road, Al-Fardan Al-Salhiya Road, next to the Port Said Canal, and the village’s satellites.
In the center and city of Al-Tal Al-Kabir, the local unit intensified work in all environmental improvement sectors during the morning period, as the city’s environmental improvement sector implemented a cleaning and waste removal campaign starting from the Al-Salam sector and the station, all the way to the Al-Tall Al-Balad sector, in addition to intensifying public cleaning work in the villages affiliated with the center. And the city of Big Hill.
The Electricity Department also installed 9 searchlights, and repaired and maintained 20 searchlights, within the scope of the center and city of Tal El-Kebir. In the center and city of Qantara West, today the Environmental Improvement Agency continued daily cleaning work, as waste was removed from various areas of the city (Tahrir Street, Army Street, Street The Treaty, the Seventh Neighborhood, and the Real Estate Month), where approximately 85 tons of garbage and waste were collected and removed, in addition to the continued cutting and trimming of trees next to the Church of Mary Girgis.
While the local unit of the village of Abu Tafila carried out paving, leveling and cleaning work next to Al-Farran Bridge.
With regard to daily cleaning work in the area of Al-Nasr village, approximately 18 tons of waste were removed from the areas of K17, Abu Amoud, and Al-Samouh Bank, in addition to carrying out daily general cleaning work in Abu Khalifa village, where approximately 38 tons of waste were removed.
The Electricity Department in the city of Qantara West also carried out maintenance and upgrading the efficiency of 12 floodlights, while the village of Al-Bayadiya carried out maintenance of the poles in the service road area and 15 LED floodlights were maintained, and the Electricity Department in the village of Al-Rih carried out maintenance of 5 searchlights in Ezbet Al-Hasasna, and repaired a fault in the transformer of Ezbet Al-Sawarka. It also repaired an electricity pole in front of the police station, and implemented maintenance workers and lighting floodlights in front of the Qantara West police station.
In the sector of dealing with encroachments and building violations, 4 immediate removal cases were carried out in the center and city of Qantara West.
The first case was the immediate demolition of a white block building on an area of approximately 100 square meters in the Bayoumiya area, east of the highway, in the village of Shahid Khairy.
The second case involved the immediate removal of an unfinished building on an area of 200 square meters in the Al Salam area in Al Rawda village.
The third case involved the immediate demolition of a white block building on an area of 70 square metres, in the Halayma area, in the village of Abu Tafila.
The fourth case involved the immediate removal of the foundation of a building and an illegal building in the Zamalta area in Al-Nasr village.
All legal measures were taken regarding all violations.
In the center and city of Qantara East, the Environmental Improvement Department of the local unit carried out daily cleaning work for all cleaning sectors in the old city, where work was done in the areas of downtown, Wednesday Market, Tahrir Street, Old Center Street, Army Street, Al-Arish Street, and Al-Thawra Street.
Garbage and waste bins were also removed by the local unit’s baler in the Old City area, and work was also carried out in the New City area, where garbage and waste were removed from the unit’s bins, residential areas and streets, and the streets were swept in the New City area, through administration workers and a special broom car. With loneliness.
The works included following up on the irrigation of trees on the international road, and irrigation of the green area in front of the government departments complex.
The local unit of Jalbana village carried out general cleaning work in the village and its main streets, removed subsidiary dumps, and removed garbage and waste estimated at 3 tons.
The local unit of the village of Taqadum also carried out general cleaning and residential assembly work in the village, in addition to following up on afforestation and irrigation of trees and green areas.
While the local unit of the Heroes Village carried out general cleaning work within the village, its outskirts, and the main streets.
The local unit of Al-Salam Village also carried out general cleaning work, which included residential gathering in Al-Ahrar and Al-Salam villages and sweeping internal streets.
In addition, the Electricity Department of the local unit of the center and city of Qantara East carried out repair and maintenance work on lighting poles and floodlights in the morning, within the scope of the new city in front of the wheat silos in Qantara East, and one meter was installed.
During the evening period, the unit’s Electricity Department carried out repair and maintenance work on lighting poles and floodlights, within the Old City, in the areas of Martyrs’ Square and the Individuals Ferry, where a meter for public lighting was installed.
In the center and city of Abu Suwayr, general cleaning work, waste removal, and residential assembly were carried out in the village of Abu Suwayr al-Balad and its outskirts, and a cleaning campaign was carried out in the vicinity of the Abu Jamaan School with equipment from the village of Abu Suwayr al-Balad. Waste and garbage were also removed from the entrance and outskirts of the village of al-Manayef.
With regard to public lighting work in the village of Abu Sawir al-Balad and its environs, 9 sodium floodlights were maintained, 3 energy-saving bulbs were installed in Ezbet al-Fouli, and the efficiency of lighting was increased and the floodlights were maintained on Fouad Saad al-Din Road in the village of Sabaa Abbar al-Sharqiya.
In the western village of Seven Wells, 12 holders with insulators were installed for 4 poles, and the wire was tightened again after they were damaged by the fall of a palm tree in the Abu Shusha area. In Abu Ayyad, the road was opened, floodlights were installed, and lighting was provided by the village’s electricity department, in addition to installing 3 LED bulbs provided by community participation in the village of Al-Wasifiya. .
In response to a citizen’s report about construction on his agricultural land located within the western village of Sabaa Abbar on the Ismailia-Cairo Desert Road, by unknown persons, a move was made immediately upon receipt of the report and an immediate removal of a room made of white bricks and a linen throne on an area of approximately 30 square meters was carried out in the presence of the village head, a technician, and a protection official. Lands in agricultural management.
In the new center and city of Al-Qassasin, the local unit followed up on general cleaning work, removing garbage, waste, and strange weeds, and removing dust from the sides of the roads in the city as well as the affiliated villages.
In addition, the New Al-Qassasin Center and City maintain and illuminate the public lighting fixtures in the city and its affiliated villages.
In the center and city of Fayed, the city’s Environmental Improvement Agency carried out daily public cleaning work, and waste and solid materials were removed from various areas of the city and villages, and waste continued to be removed from the garbage bins and main dumps belonging to the local unit, and areas with residential congestion.
Waste was also removed from the areas of Al-Taraa Road, Al-Minyawi, Fayed Qimma Zalqan Road, Fayed Qimma Road, the city’s coastal road, and the desert road in front of the Fayed Youth Center, in addition to continuing daily cleaning work in the villages of the center and the city, and the total amount that was removed reached approximately 140 tons during the morning period.
Regarding the work of maintaining and raising the efficiency of public lighting floodlights, the work was carried out in some places in the city within the Fifth Neighborhood, the Minyawi Canal Road, and at the entrance to the city to the Canal Road and the New Street Road, and in the village of Fanara, maintenance was carried out for a photocell, and in separate places, 10 floodlights were maintained. LED sodium.
In addition to monitoring a complaint submitted by citizens regarding lighting a pole on the railway road, the complaint was resolved and the pole was lit immediately, in addition to clearing the rain drains in anticipation of weather fluctuations.
The Development and Beautification Authority also cut and trimmed palm and ficus trees on the central island in front of Al-Mustaqbal 2 School
And remove all harmful thorn waste on the island.
The workers began work inside and outside the schools, the first of which was Al-Mustaqbal Primary School. In order to preserve the safety of children and provide a suitable environment, we cut and trim the green area and trim all the trees inside the school, in addition to removing the products of the cutting and waste as well, and cutting and trimming the surfaces in front of the fire station and the middle island in front of it.
للمزيد : تابعنا هنا ، وللتواصل الاجتماعي تابعنا علي فيسبوك وتويتر .